yeah rev, you and you're liberal media is completly uprooting the culture here in america. stop spreading this cancer everywhere. you're sooo un-american, no wonder your gf speaks french, flip flopper!!
post by BobNOMAAMRooney nli at Sep 6,2005 3:22pm
At least Barbara Bush isn't a looting nigger! Those people are animals! Typical nigger thinking, wanting handouts after a national disaster! They want everything handed to them! Survival of the fittest! Regurgitated vaguely Nietzcheian statements which prove how metal I am! AM I RIGHT FOLKS?
*200 posts of argument later*
Despite tons of evidence to the contrary I still think the blacks in NOLA are savages who deserve to die. Fucking Clinton!
At least Barbara Bush isn't a looting nigger! Those people are animals! Typical nigger thinking, wanting handouts after a national disaster! They want everything handed to them! Survival of the fittest! Regurgitated vaguely Nietzcheian statements which prove how metal I am! AM I RIGHT FOLKS?
*200 posts of argument later*
Despite tons of evidence to the contrary I still think the blacks in NOLA are savages who deserve to die. Fucking Clinton!
At least Barbara Bush isn't a looting nigger! Those people are animals! Typical nigger thinking, wanting handouts after a national disaster! They want everything handed to them! Survival of the fittest! Regurgitated vaguely Nietzcheian statements which prove how metal I am! AM I RIGHT FOLKS?
*200 posts of argument later*
Despite tons of evidence to the contrary I still think the blacks in NOLA are savages who deserve to die. Fucking Clinton!